Event Details

Sulla scia del Mid Autumn festival appena passato, vi proponiamo una lezione di cucina dove potrete imparare a fare delle gustosissime Moon Cake alla crema con la bravissima Maisy Leung.

Bianchissime come la luna, belle da guardare e buonissime, sono ottime per stupire amici e parenti o da offrire per il te o come dolce a fine serata.

E' un'attivita' da fare da sole, con le amiche, in famiglia o da far fare alle helper.

La lezione di cucina si terra' in inglese ma verranno date spiegazioni anche in italiano se richieste... vi aspettiamo numerose. Il ricavato di questa lezione verra' interamente donato alla Breast cancer foundation.

In the wake of the Mid Autumn festival that has just passed, we offer you a cooking lesson where you can learn how to make delicious creamy Moon Cakes with the talented Maisy Leung.

As white as the moon, beautiful to look at and delicious, they are excellent for surprising friends and relatives or to offer for tea or as a dessert at the end of the evening.

It is an activity to do alone, with friends, with the family or for the helpers to do.

The cooking lesson will be held in English but explanations will also be given in Italian if requested ... we are waiting for you. The proceeds from this lesson will be donated entirely to the Breast Cancer Foundation.


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Member ticket
Standard Price HKD 200
Non member
Standard Price HKD 250


Hong Kong

Hong Kong
Hong kong, Hong Kong SAR (China)

If you have any questions please contact Violetta Polese

Contact Organizer

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